From Blender to Babylon: lightmap workflow tutorial

(original post from old forum)

Back to the Lamps on Babylon / Open Contest! old-forum thread, I’ve commited myself to write a tutorial about my lightmap workflow.

Here the demo:


And of course, the tutorial itself: From Blender to BabylonJS - Nothing-is-3D

English speakers may want use this topic to write feedbacks.


Hi Vinc3r
thats a great tutorial. I have to dig deeper into to get a better overview.

Have you postet the diffrent textures you used somewhere.?
Or some screenshots of the diffrent channels in 3D?


Thanks for your feedback.
You should have all you’re need in this zip, from Workflow in few words part.

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Super article. Thank you.
Is there any way of baking my scene without using any third part application like blender?

I want to baking with code itself. May be in a language like c#

You mean doing your lighting inside BJS, and bake lightmaps on the fly? Sounds like a huuuuuuge task (totally out of my skill, so can’t answer). I’m not sure but maybe dynamic shadows process could be a lead to follow.

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Woah, just saw this…hats down Vinc3r, thanx for tut and effort, great article :+1:


Many thanks!

Is it possible to automate the process? either code or directly from blender with any node or export setup? to avoid having to put every lightmap by hand every time

In this playground I’ve made an automatic lightmap assignation, using naming convention: (all you have to do is to send object names which are lightmapped).

I’m not sure if it’s now possible, but last time I’ve checked we still can’t export lightmap texture using glTF export from Blender (and I think it’s anyway easier to automatically assign them through BJS).


Hi Vinc3r,

Amazing job! I’m wondering if there’s the possibility to have a new version of this tutorial with a newer version of Blender.

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Hi, and hello to the BJS community! It’s been a long time since I’ve been back here, I hope everyone goes well, and I can see BJS is still actively updated, congrats team :muscle:

I had some changes in my life since a year, these changes include that I’m not a graphic designer anymore. I was thinking of writing an update of this tutorial, using glTF workflow, but I have to say that even in my free time I can’t promise anything about this.


Glad to see you back @Vinc3r !!! hope you are doing good

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welcome back buddy!

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Yes, welcome back @Vinc3r!

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@Vinc3r Welcome back!

I’m just about to dive into that for my project, but I have zero experience with blender, so if you did managed to update your tutorial, that would be great :slight_smile:

It is a great tutorial! Even if not updated, there’s so much to get from that one. Thank you for making it.