Generate mipmaps for color corrected BABYLON.RenderTargetTexture

I want to be able to change the color of my texture. So I found a playground and managed to get it working for me. The only problem is that the color corrected texture doesn’t seem to have any mipmaps. I try to use generateMipMaps = true. But I guess I’m not doing it right.
Here’s the playground:

I hope someone knows how to force the mipmap generation.

I found my mistake:
I had:
var filteredTexture = new BABYLON.RenderTargetTexture(“rtt”,
{ width: 3352, height: 5028, generateMipMaps: true }, scene);

but should be:
var filteredTexture = new BABYLON.RenderTargetTexture(“rtt”,
{ width: 3352, height: 5028 }, scene, {generateMipMaps: true});

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