So I can’t find anywhere in the math and curve stuff to pull a position out of the curve.
so instead of it generating sed number of points, I was wondering what the easiest method to locate a percentage position of the curve and only return that point?
ie if I had a straight line curve between 0-10 and I wanted to get the point at 0.6 with the method it will return 6 as a simplified example.
function getCurvePoint(curve, at) {
let curvePoints = curve.getPoints();
let curveLength = curve.length();
let previousPoint = curvePoints[0];
let currentPoint;
let currentLength = 0;
let targetLength = at * curveLength;
for (let i = 0; i < curvePoints.length; i++) {
currentPoint = curvePoints[i];
let distance = BABYLON.Vector3.Distance(previousPoint, currentPoint);
currentLength += distance;
if (currentLength === targetLength) {
return currentPoint.clone();
} else if (currentLength > targetLength) {
let toLength = currentLength - targetLength;
let diff = toLength / distance;
let dir = previousPoint.subtract(currentPoint);
return currentPoint.add(dir.scale(diff));
previousPoint = currentPoint;
return BABYLON.Vector3.Zero();
Hmmmm let me make a PG, cause maybe you can help me work something out really quick, because I went ahead and started using it but its not giving me the result one would expect. Maybe you see why.
Give me like 10 mins to whip up a PG.
Ok I lied, maybe it is doing what I want. On my local scene it was not going to the end of the path, but I see from this its localized.
Fixed it on my local scene, @Gijs 10 pts gryffindor
Here is it in action with my animation flag system, just a little preview of things to come. The camera animation and all the other dom effects are being controlled by a pretty nifty flag system I came up with cause none of the scrolling animation APIs were doing the trick I needed.