Gltf Interactivity - matCompose type error

i have here e test file - which uses the matCompose node - which causes an error.

In this line is the error. “d.uniqueId” doesn’t exist in “context._connectionValues”.

Here the file:

And here more minimal test file which uses only matCompose and matDecompose nodes:

i’ll take a look at that asap

Ok, found the issue. I expected each input to actually have a value, but this was incorrect - some can have a node reference instead. Thanks for reporting, a PR is coming with a fix.

A note about the babylon log node - the namespace is now BABYLON, name of node is “flow/log” (which I hope we can somehow normalize, with different namespaces).

the result is interesting -

Is this still a work in progress, or was this expected to work already? Need to know if I am doing something wrong in world space.

hey, that’s great!

yeah, it’s still work in progress. Because the lack of testing possibilities i’m not sure if world space is working at our side correctly or not :smiley: So i can’t also tell at the moment if your implementation is correct or not. When your PR is merged i will dive deeper into it :wink:

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phew! :slight_smile:

Awesome, thanks. You can always test with the snapshot, but it will be merged later today and the sandbox will be updated tomorrow.

Keep me updated if you find any other issues! thanks :slight_smile:

i will! thanks!

and also thanks for updating me of the log changes! and yeah, i also hope we get a official log node spec. would really help with testing

ok, i have a question about the flow/log node. i’m trying to output the value “5”, but the console log is only “BJS - [15:01:05]: [object Object]”.

sorry when i not opened a new topic to this!

And i guess there is a space conversion issue here with globalMatrix.

test file (the sphere should be set on the position of the cube, the plane represent the initial position of the sphere on world origin position 0,0,0). But the x position is inverted:

and RaananW, is it possible to have a direct communication channel for Interactivity topics? :wink:

yes! i’ll DM you