GTO 67 with clear coat and chrome

Did some RnD with clear coat and sheen today :slight_smile:

This is the outcome. I’m quite pleased with both the looks and the compression.

Using draco compression I was able to get the -glb down to 1.5mb from 24mb!!

More details

Found mesh online as fbx.
Removed all materials and only used principled BSDF with base color, metalness, roughness.
except for windows, where I used alpha blend and a dark gray.

Then I imported the scene as usual using the scenemanager, but then added some clear coat settings to the paintwork. and tweaked the window material some to, because I was unable to set some of the settings from the blender exporter.


@Leon Looks really good! Do you have any docs for using draco compression? I am not sure if by default Blender 2.8 exports .glb/.gltf with the compression or not.

It’s quite simple if you are familiar with the terminal / console.

install the pipeline tool

npm i -g gltf-pipeline

Then convert from or to glb / gltf with.

Some examples

Compress with draco

# -b export as .glb
# -d export with draco compression
gltf-pipeline -i scene.glb -o scene-draco.glb -b -d

Explode a glb file

# -s separate .bin file
# -t separate textures
gltf-pipeline -i scene.glb -o scene.gltf -s -t

Create glb from gltf, doesn’t matter if exploded, separate…

gltf-pipeline -i scene.gltf -o scene.glb -b

What I’m currently thinking of doing is a online gltf optimizer.

Some of the models I get have extreeeeemly large textures.
8k jpeg saved at max from PS. weighing in at 35mb.

I’ve been using a tool for the mac called
It’s great for batch optimizing images.
It’s a combination of open source tools that remove metadata and minify jpeg, png, svgs
sometime making them 90% smaller without any visible artifacts.

But I’d like to do something like that but as simple as dropping a glb and letting the app optimize the hell out of it :slight_smile:


Oh nice! I didn’t know there was a package for the pipeline. I read a while back about having to compile the draco library and it just seemed like to much set up at the time. Will def try this out now.

An website would be pretty sweet too

Pinging @PirateJC and @PatrickRyan fyi
and @sebavan to see a good use of his shader :slight_smile:


Thanks for this quick how-to!

Post the .blend maybe? I wonder about a direct comparison to just a JSON exporter size. Remember, text files can be gzipped from a pretty common server setup, requiring nothing special in javascript.

Also, the JSON exporter can set # of digits. Defaults are 4 for positions, 3 for normals, 3 for UV’s, 3 for vertex colors, & 2 for matrix weights. Also Matrix indexes are compressed to 8 bits. Can you really see 8 digits?

The Javascript exporter in addition, stripped the leading zero’s (a surprising % of a file as normals, UV’s, colors & weights are all < 0). To really compare an export of this type, you need to minimze / uglify it, since there are a lot of spaces, carraige returns, & meaningful names to make it readable.