Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year

Well wonderful community, it’s that time of year where we like to take a minute to pause and appreciate you all. This wonderful family of people from across the world is tied together in our love of this platform and our passion for helping each other learn about computer graphics. Every day I am in awe of the intelligence, compassion, and friendliness of you all.

Thank you so much for all that you do to make this community one of the best in the world.

Over the next several weeks the core dev team is going to be away from our desks enjoying time with our families and friends. We hope that all of you will take the time to do the same. As we’re away, please expect that answers to forum questions may be a bit delayed and slower than usual.

Last year I wished everyone a Happy Holidays with a handcrafted poem:

This year it seemed appropriate to see if AI could tackle the task for me.

But before I do, on behalf of the dev team, we wish you all a very Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy New Year. No matter how you celebrate, we hope this Holiday season is filled with love and joy for you all.

Here’s the copied “code” should anyone want it. :slight_smile:

Dear friends of Babylon.js, we wish you cheer,
A joyous holiday, and lots of cheer.
May all your coding troubles disappear,
And every project turn out perfectly clear.

We hope your Christmas is full of good cheer,
That you have time to relax and have fun.
So take a break from coding and let your hair,
Err, we mean, let your code-hair down, just for once.

And when the day is done, and all is said,
We hope you’ll have a good night’s rest, dear friends.
For Christmas Eve is here, and all is well,
So Merry Christmas to all, and to all, a good night!


I’m not gonna say, but it looks to me like your talents for writing :open_book: and sharing your passion, feelings and your empathy for the community are still way ahead from those of the AI :grin: Means you don’t have to fear for your job. The way I see it, it’s not tomorrow that you will be replaced by a bot. :robot:Thankfully :sweat_smile: You can go take a well deserved rest :laughing:

On behalf of myself :wink:, I’d also like to send the entire team my very best wishes for this Season’s Holidays and the upcoming New Year. Thank you for everything you do every single day, 360-days a year. :pray: Lucky us might be among one of the very best community (and I believe we are) but then, never forget that this is only because we follow your model, your work and your spirit.
So, merry Xmas to You ALL and we’ll be here when you return :mx_claus: :christmas_tree: At least, I will :smile:


Hope you all have a good well deserved away quality time with your loved ones, you wonderful and marvelous people!

:christmas_tree: Merry Christmas! :christmas_tree:

:deer: - :deer: - :deer:~ :santa: | _ :gift: :gift_heart: _ |


A Merry and Happy Christmas to all from gryff. You can see my Christmas world for 2022 here or directly here

My apologies for being away so long, but I have a problem typing.

Cheers to all, gryff :slight_smile:


best community ever :wink:

blessings to all !! I’m still working but also spending time with family.


Here is another “blast from the past” that I also posted on my Christmas card thread from an old contributor to BJS. Also wrote a book on BJS. The gentleman is called Julian but was known on the forum as “Temechon”

Christmas Runner

Have fun. Julian liked these “runner” type games :slight_smile: My best was 3 gifts - but I can’t use my right arm to well. :frowning_face:

Merry Christmas again : gryff :slight_smile:


Merry christmas to the amazing Babylon community, thanks for all the help :slight_smile:


Nice, but too hard (at least for me). I guess I did better than you by collecting 5. On the other hand, I have both hands available but it looks like that doesn’t make me any better :grin: I just keep on hitting either the front or back of these rocks. Looks like I’m just unable to get the right timing. :hourglass_flowing_sand: Makes me think that the next game I will purchase might just not be a parkour :laughing:

Side note: I’m sorry to hear that you are having problems with your arm. I hope it’s nothing bad and that you will get well soon. Meanwhile, have a merry christmas anyways :christmas_tree: :gift: :gift_heart:

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Thank you for all the effort spent on maintaining such a wonderful community for this library! I wish I’ve had more time to make more projects in Babylon, but you can call it my new year’s resolution for 2023 to really get back into the side project groove. Have a wonderful holiday season everyone and hopefully I’ll see all of you more often next year!

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Happy holidays to all BJS team & community!

(yeah, that’s the snowball playground I go out again each years for Christmas :smile:)


Didn’t realize you also made a snowball :smiley: Never saw it before.
Looks really nice and the design is timeless, so I believe you can still use it again next year :grin:
Merry Xmas to you :christmas_tree:

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Thanks Babylon.js team for all the amazing work you do!!!


Happy holidays all. Even if you’re all AIs, you’re doing a pretty damn good job at being good humans.



‘uncaught exception’… > ‘failure to proceed’ > …‘reinitializing in progress’… :rofl:

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Can you give me the link of the AI who created that? After all, I might change my opinion about how dumb the AI still is in 2022/23 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :grin:

Ofc, here you are:

The notorious GPT Chat.