this happened on every obj file I imported. what did wrong?
Hi! How are you loading these files? Does the mtllib definition in the obj file match the mtl file name? Can you provide us with a code reproduction so we can look into it further?
i fixed the path, now i have mlt file loaded. however the obj model displayed wrong way as expected( textures or lights goes wrong), that didnt happened on glTF format.
Obj do not support PBR which gltf does. Would be great to know more about what is not working ?
If I may authorize myself, since I’m a bit of fan of the old ‘obj’ format (because it’s still the standard for exchange after 2 or 3 generations , the best go-around method I found was to create and assign materials straight in BJS.
As @sebavan says, a number of parameters will not make it through in mtl format. Rather than trying to sort out what does and what doesn’t, I truly believe it’s best to create your PBR mats straight in BJS (of from substance or any) and then assign’em to your obj mesh/submeshes.
Hi @mxm-web-develop just checking in if your question has been answered
yes,this one is fixed, but I still have some questions, i put them all in this repo:
I can’t access it, it’s giving me a 404 error.