December 28, 2020, 6:06am
Just wondering how can I access the code editor in version 4 of babylon editor? In 3.2.0 I used to go tools --> Code editor. When I go to assets and add a script, it does not open within the app. Do I now need to use VS Code to edit these scripts? Can you please help? thanks.
Pinging @julien-moreau but be patient as he may be in vacation for the time being.
December 30, 2020, 7:28am
Hi @Evgeni_Popov ,
No worries. I found a basic tutorial by him about setting up the editor for scripting. For anyone interested, link is below. Thanks for your reply.
# Attaching Scripts
## Introduction
The Editor allows to create and edit scenes without any line of code. Anyway, each object in scene can be customized by adding behaviors that developers can create using TypeScript. These behaviors can be attached to objects and will wake up when the game is running.
As examples, a behavior can be:
* I have a camera and I'd like to launch a ball when I click, according to the camera's direction
* I have an object and I want it to scale up when the mouse is over
* etc. etc.
The Editor provides a way to create, manage and attach these scripts to all available objects in the scene. To customize scripts, the scripts can export properties (numbers, strings, booleans, vectors, keys, etc.) and these properties will be editable directly in the Editor.
Scripts can be attached to:
* Mesh
* Mesh Instance
* Light
* Camera
* Transform Node
**Note: all scripts are written using TypeScript**
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Hey thanks @Reens for sharing that link
You can also find the main page of the documentation (still WIP) here: Editor/ at release/4.0.0 · BabylonJS/Editor · GitHub it’ll reference all available documentation
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