How can I access code editor in Babylon version 4


Just wondering how can I access the code editor in version 4 of babylon editor? In 3.2.0 I used to go tools --> Code editor. When I go to assets and add a script, it does not open within the app. Do I now need to use VS Code to edit these scripts? Can you please help? thanks.

Pinging @julien-moreau but be patient as he may be in vacation for the time being.


Hi @Evgeni_Popov,

No worries. I found a basic tutorial by him about setting up the editor for scripting. For anyone interested, link is below. Thanks for your reply.

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Hey thanks @Reens for sharing that link :slight_smile:
You can also find the main page of the documentation (still WIP) here: Editor/ at release/4.0.0 · BabylonJS/Editor · GitHub it’ll reference all available documentation

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