How to create scene with model in which I can change textures of this model?

Hello dear all,

Pls could you help me to create scene with model in which I can change textures,

Thank you for attention!

I guess you are looking for this Materials - Babylon.js Documentation

You need a mesh, a material and you can change the textures on the material when you want.

Live example:

In this sample I can see some models with different texture, in my case I need one model in some scene where I can change different textures of one model…

Just change material properties
mesh.material.diffuseColor = …
mesh.material.diffuseTexture =…

You don`t understand me totaly.

I need to change texture of a model on web page…

Use the Babylon.GUI to allow the users to select textures Use the Babylon GUI - Babylon.js Documentation