I’ve been playing with the gui editor. First of all, it’s amazing and easy to use! But a issue I encountered is that when I load a snippet, the entire advancedTexture is cleared and re-drawed with the snippet. Am I using it the wrong way? Is there a way to just load it and not clear everything else?
Another issue I’m facing right now is that I want to create a horizontal list of users(on mobile devices) based on data. I created a single user’s GUI instance in the GUI editor. Is there a way that I can clone that instance for each additional user? I created a simple PG to demonstrate. Babylon.js Playground
A solution I can think of is to put the user instance GUI in another snippet and then create a new advancaedTexture and load the snippet whenever a new user comes in. However, I worry that too many advancaedTexture will bring down the performance(on mobile devices).
Any help is appreciated! Thank you!
P.S, I saw a post in 2019 that said “GUI element clone is not supported so far”, is it supported now?