How to fill fill GaussianSplattingMesh directly with splat data?

I create some splats of a sphere and would like test the GaussianSpalltingMesh. It doesn’t work. :frowning:

gaussian mesh | Babylon.js Playground (

We do not have a way to do it at the moment. It might be a nice contribution by splitting the _loadData funcion in 2 steps ?

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it would help me if i had the internal data structure of the splat files.

What if:

Do not split the load function but provide a helper function createBuffer which will create the input buffer from splats.

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Master, let me be your disciple! :slightly_smiling_face:

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You have to join the Dark side.


I am ready, master!

She will never join the Dark side :see_no_evil: Aren’t you a Star Wars fan?

Yoda would say:
“Join the dark side, you must not. Consume you, it will, as it did Obi-Wan’s apprentice.”

I am not familiar with star wars, but I understand why she never join the dark side, because the antagonistic forces would dissolve into nothing and the whole universe as we know it would disappear.

So I must unfortunately leave you, master, although I greatly admire your skills and go my own way.

Live long and prosper.

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for those who are new to this gaussian splatting topic

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This is lo lovely!! :heart_eyes_cat:

Splattize texture:


Don’t ask me why :smiley:


… and here the journey ends, which is a new beginning to unexplored expanses.



I knew you will not resist the temptation! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Splats have to be z-orderder.