For a beginner, I changed the path in react, but I didn’t know how to specifically reload the model.Hope to get the guidance of the predecessors, thank you very much!
Hello do you mind creating a repro in the Playground? I’m not sure how to help you else
Here is a doc to learn how to link external assets: Using External Assets - Babylon.js Documentation
Thank you very much!What I need to do is actually switch between models in different events, but I don’t know how to switch because every time I switch, I need to upload a new model instead of replacing it.
What is the right approach?How do I update it?
You can dispose the material / textures / meshes before loading new ones.
A correction to your import parameters and a method of mesh switching (in this case the event is camera position. Replace with your event)
 Thank you very much, but I still have some questions.Where I drew the red line, can I loop the same type of model, like the same name?There are some models in the scene, and I don't want to delete them all.
“scene.getMeshByName” It didn’t seem to work
Thank you very much for your help
Thank you very much for your clarification