Incorrect display of glb model

Thank you, I knew about vertex color, but that is not the problem. The problem arises when bablynon.js and pixi.js are rendered together, please see the labris post, or my post fixing the ‘PIXI not defined’ error. Regarding FBX, you are absolutely right

This post has been pretty confusing to me. The title says incorrect display of glb model, so I’ve been focusing on why the glb looks wrong compared to the image in the OP.

I don’t have any idea about pixijs. @Deltakosh back to you to help!

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pinging @sebavan to see if he has a few cycles to check

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Here everything is OK.

Candle is also OK -

But when I try to load your model, it gives error

What is also strange, since Sanbox considers it as valid GLTF file with 0 errors. (Still I have the feeling that JSON is broken somewhere).

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Strange of course, thanks a lot!

Thank you, I apologize for the incorrect title of the topic

I will take a look at it tomorrow in the morning

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looks like some of the states regarding buffers and verts have not been reseted. I will look into it ASAP.

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PR is up the fix will be in the next nightly :wink:


ok, wait)


It works now: not for you ???

Sorry, did not see. Where did you write this?) Umm, what was the problem?) Her face is really creepy, don’t know how to fix it?) Need to use the ImportMesh method?

We fix a caching issue in babylon as we discussed earlier : “PR is up the fix will be in the next nightly :wink:

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I bow to you!)) Very very good news) As for the PR, frankly, it didn’t come, but now everything is clear)

Sorry, is this fix available through npm?)

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It will be on monday

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Got it, accepted) thanks)