When I want to use blender exporter in blender 3.3.2, after install Blender2Babylon-3.3x, the log show install success.
But I can’t find the exporter in add-on list.
When I want to use blender exporter in blender 3.3.2, after install Blender2Babylon-3.3x, the log show install success.
But I can’t find the exporter in add-on list.
ping @JCPalmer
The first screen shot is unrecognizable. You clicked “Install…” on the Add-ons section of Preferences right? Try again.
If it is still not in the list. Check Blender System Console for an error. You get that window from Menu
“Window”->“Toggle System Console”
1.Console shows Module installed. But I can’t find the exporter in add-on list.
2.The last version of blender exporter is Blender2Babylon-3.3x.zip. Does this exporter can be used in blender3.6 LTS?
The latest I have been using 3.5, but beginning to think about changing to Blender 4.0. I have successfully installed on Blender 4.0 (It just errors due to changes in Principled Material node).
Doubt anything changed in between 3.5 & 4.0 install wise. What does the console actually say?
Also, do see a babylon_js
directory in
UserName->AppData->Roaming->Blender Foundation->Blender->3.6>scripts->addons
If not, you could worst case expand the zip, which expands to a babylon_js
directory, and copy it to above. This is essentially what the install button does.
I cannot reproduce, so I can not be of much further help.
In UserName->AppData->Roaming->Blender Foundation->Blender->3.6>scripts->addons
I can only see zip file.
I tried expand the zip but failed.
Finally I redownload the BlenderExporter, the exporter can be install successly.
Blender2Babylon-3.3x.zip works perfectly fine in Blender 3.6 and can be installed and exported normally. But in Blender 4.0, 4.2, 4.3 can be installed normally, no error message, but the error dialog box pops up when exporting to babylon format, see the attached picture shown. blender starts up and exports directly, no extra operation. How to solve it?
cc @JCPalmer but I am not sure what is the latest supported version.
@JCPalmer some solution for Blender 4.x? Should we go back to 3.x?