Hi babylon team, here is the shader i am working on following NME-material: #KL1MFU#16. https://playground.babylonjs.com/#0P11ZF#20 , (please click on the model to see the shader)
When i apply the bones node in NME the normals get inverted, so i have to mirror the z-coordinates.
No, the changes were related to the PerturbNormal block, not the Bones block. In any case, these changes do not affect the node material of the PG because the PerturbNormal.worldTangent input is not connected.
I tested with another node material (the one coming from the docs) which are using all the PBR blocks and to which I added the Bones block:
As you can see it is working, so there’s a problem with your material. As it is a bit complex, I would advice to remove as many blocks as possible to start from something that works, then add back the blocks one by one until it fails.