Hi all,
Due to some issues I have with rotation and scaling with sixd behavior on the phone i was wondering can i change the source code of babylon somehow to remove that. Right now it’s installed with npm, and i tried to comment all the lines that i could find that deal with that but to no avail.
The problem i have is that the mesh starts to behave strange when i fck around with it with two fingers with scale and rotation, i remove the parent from mesh as the start of the drag and set it back at the end of the drag.
Something similar to that can be observed here:
Before clicking the button i how i want the mesh to behave, but after clicking the button is when shenanigans start to happen. The code in the playground is not the code I’m using but the behavior is similar. Since the drag works with changing the position i assume the parent-children relationship is working fine.
Below is the code i modified(commented the lines where rotations occurs). I just can’t understand what is happening, the positions work perfectly. and when i use only one finger on the phone to perform anything.
If someone could help me i would really appreciate it.
import { Vector3, Quaternion, Matrix, TmpVectors } from "../../Maths/math.vector.js";
import { Observable } from "../../Misc/observable.js";
import { BaseSixDofDragBehavior } from "./baseSixDofDragBehavior.js";
import { TransformNode } from "../../Meshes/transformNode.js";
import { Space } from "../../Maths/math.axis.js";
* A behavior that when attached to a mesh will allow the mesh to be dragged around based on directions and origin of the pointer's ray
export class SixDofDragBehavior extends BaseSixDofDragBehavior {
constructor() {
this._sceneRenderObserver = null;
this._targetPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
this._targetOrientation = new Quaternion();
this._targetScaling = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
this._startingPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
this._startingOrientation = new Quaternion();
this._startingScaling = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
* Fires when position is updated
this.onPositionChangedObservable = new Observable();
* The distance towards the target drag position to move each frame. This can be useful to avoid jitter. Set this to 1 for no delay. (Default: 0.2)
this.dragDeltaRatio = 0.2;
* If the object should rotate to face the drag origin
this.rotateDraggedObject = true;
* If `rotateDraggedObject` is set to `true`, this parameter determines if we are only rotating around the y axis (yaw)
this.rotateAroundYOnly = false;
* Should the behavior rotate 1:1 with the motion controller, when one is used.
this.rotateWithMotionController = true;
* Use this flag to update the target but not move the owner node towards the target
this.disableMovement = false;
* Should the object rotate towards the camera when we start dragging it
this.faceCameraOnDragStart = false;
* The name of the behavior
get name() {
return "SixDofDrag";
* Attaches the six DoF drag behavior
* @param ownerNode The mesh that will be dragged around once attached
attach(ownerNode) {
ownerNode.isNearGrabbable = true;
// Node that will save the owner's transform
this._virtualTransformNode = new TransformNode("virtual_sixDof", BaseSixDofDragBehavior._virtualScene);
//this._virtualTransformNode.rotationQuaternion = Quaternion.Identity();
// On every frame move towards target scaling to avoid jitter caused by vr controllers
this._sceneRenderObserver = ownerNode.getScene().onBeforeRenderObservable.add(() => {
if (this.currentDraggingPointerIds.length === 1 && this._moving && !this.disableMovement) {
// 1 pointer only drags mesh
const deltaToAdd = TmpVectors.Vector3[0];
const deltaToAddTransformed = TmpVectors.Vector3[1];
// If the node has a parent, transform the delta to local space, so it can be added to the
// position in local space
if (ownerNode.parent) {
//const parentRotationMatrixInverse = TmpVectors.Matrix[0];
//Vector3.TransformNormalToRef(deltaToAdd, parentRotationMatrixInverse, deltaToAddTransformed);
this.onPositionChangedObservable.notifyObservers({ position: ownerNode.absolutePosition });
// Only rotate the mesh if it's parent has uniform scaling
if (!ownerNode.parent || (ownerNode.parent.scaling && !ownerNode.parent.scaling.isNonUniformWithinEpsilon(0.001))) {
//const rotationToApply = TmpVectors.Quaternion[0];
if (ownerNode.parent) {
//const parentRotationInverse = TmpVectors.Quaternion[0];
//parentRotationInverse.multiplyToRef(this._targetOrientation, rotationToApply);
//Quaternion.SlerpToRef(ownerNode.rotationQuaternion, rotationToApply, this.dragDeltaRatio, ownerNode.rotationQuaternion);
_getPositionOffsetAround(transformationLocalOrigin, scaling, rotation) {
const translationMatrix = TmpVectors.Matrix[0]; // T
const translationMatrixInv = TmpVectors.Matrix[1]; // T'
//const rotationMatrix = TmpVectors.Matrix[2]; // R
const scaleMatrix = TmpVectors.Matrix[3]; // S
const finalMatrix = TmpVectors.Matrix[4]; // T' x R x S x T
Matrix.TranslationToRef(transformationLocalOrigin.x, transformationLocalOrigin.y, transformationLocalOrigin.z, translationMatrix); // T
Matrix.TranslationToRef(-transformationLocalOrigin.x, -transformationLocalOrigin.y, -transformationLocalOrigin.z, translationMatrixInv); // T'
//Matrix.FromQuaternionToRef(rotation, rotationMatrix); // R
Matrix.ScalingToRef(scaling, scaling, scaling, scaleMatrix);
//translationMatrixInv.multiplyToRef(rotationMatrix, finalMatrix); // T' x R
finalMatrix.multiplyToRef(scaleMatrix, finalMatrix); // T' x R x S
finalMatrix.multiplyToRef(translationMatrix, finalMatrix); // T' x R x S x T
return finalMatrix.getTranslation();
_onePointerPositionUpdated(worldDeltaPosition, worldDeltaRotation) {
const pointerDelta = TmpVectors.Vector3[0];
if (this._dragging === this._dragType.DRAG) {
if (this.rotateDraggedObject) {
if (this.rotateAroundYOnly) {
// Convert change in rotation to only y axis rotation
Quaternion.RotationYawPitchRollToRef(worldDeltaRotation.toEulerAngles().y, 0, 0, TmpVectors.Quaternion[0]);
else {
TmpVectors.Quaternion[0].multiplyToRef(this._startingOrientation, this._targetOrientation);
else if (this._dragging === this._dragType.NEAR_DRAG || (this._dragging === this._dragType.DRAG_WITH_CONTROLLER && this.rotateWithMotionController)) {
worldDeltaRotation.multiplyToRef(this._startingOrientation, this._targetOrientation);
_twoPointersPositionUpdated() {
const startingPosition0 = this._virtualMeshesInfo[this.currentDraggingPointerIds[0]].startingPosition;
const startingPosition1 = this._virtualMeshesInfo[this.currentDraggingPointerIds[1]].startingPosition;
const startingCenter = TmpVectors.Vector3[0];
startingPosition0.addToRef(startingPosition1, startingCenter);
const startingVector = TmpVectors.Vector3[1];
startingPosition1.subtractToRef(startingPosition0, startingVector);
const currentPosition0 = this._virtualMeshesInfo[this.currentDraggingPointerIds[0]].dragMesh.absolutePosition;
const currentPosition1 = this._virtualMeshesInfo[this.currentDraggingPointerIds[1]].dragMesh.absolutePosition;
const currentCenter = TmpVectors.Vector3[2];
currentPosition0.addToRef(currentPosition1, currentCenter);
const currentVector = TmpVectors.Vector3[3];
currentPosition1.subtractToRef(currentPosition0, currentVector);
const scaling = currentVector.length() / startingVector.length();
const translation = currentCenter.subtract(startingCenter);
const rotationQuaternion = Quaternion.FromEulerAngles(0, Vector3.GetAngleBetweenVectorsOnPlane(startingVector.normalize(), currentVector.normalize(), Vector3.UpReadOnly), 0);
const oldParent = this._ownerNode.parent;
const positionOffset = this._getPositionOffsetAround(startingCenter.subtract(this._virtualTransformNode.getAbsolutePivotPoint()), scaling, rotationQuaternion);
this._virtualTransformNode.rotationQuaternion.multiplyToRef(rotationQuaternion, this._ownerNode.rotationQuaternion);
this._virtualTransformNode.scaling.scaleToRef(scaling, this._ownerNode.scaling);
this._virtualTransformNode.position.addToRef(translation.addInPlace(positionOffset), this._ownerNode.position);
this.onPositionChangedObservable.notifyObservers({ position: this._ownerNode.position });
_targetDragStart() {
const pointerCount = this.currentDraggingPointerIds.length;
//if (!this._ownerNode.rotationQuaternion) {
// this._ownerNode.rotationQuaternion = Quaternion.RotationYawPitchRoll(this._ownerNode.rotation.y, this._ownerNode.rotation.x, this._ownerNode.rotation.z);
const worldPivot = this._ownerNode.getAbsolutePivotPoint();
if (pointerCount === 1) {
if (this.faceCameraOnDragStart && this._scene.activeCamera) {
const toCamera = TmpVectors.Vector3[0];
this._scene.activeCamera.position.subtractToRef(worldPivot, toCamera);
const quat = TmpVectors.Quaternion[0];
if (this._scene.useRightHandedSystem) {
Quaternion.FromLookDirectionRHToRef(toCamera, new Vector3(0, 1, 0), quat);
else {
Quaternion.FromLookDirectionLHToRef(toCamera, new Vector3(0, 1, 0), quat);
Quaternion.RotationYawPitchRollToRef(quat.toEulerAngles().y, 0, 0, TmpVectors.Quaternion[0]);
else if (pointerCount === 2) {
this._virtualTransformNode.setPivotPoint(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Space.LOCAL);
this._virtualTransformNode.setPivotPoint(worldPivot, Space.WORLD);
_targetDrag(worldDeltaPosition, worldDeltaRotation) {
if (this.currentDraggingPointerIds.length === 1) {
this._onePointerPositionUpdated(worldDeltaPosition, worldDeltaRotation);
else if (this.currentDraggingPointerIds.length === 2) {
_targetDragEnd() {
if (this.currentDraggingPointerIds.length === 1) {
// We still have 1 active pointer, we must simulate a dragstart with a reseted position/orientation
const previousFaceCameraFlag = this.faceCameraOnDragStart;
this.faceCameraOnDragStart = false;
this.faceCameraOnDragStart = previousFaceCameraFlag;
* Detaches the behavior from the mesh
detach() {
if (this._ownerNode) {
this._ownerNode.isNearGrabbable = false;
if (this._virtualTransformNode) {
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