Is it possible to use the wireframe of a sphere as a material?

Hi everyone,

I’m trying to use a sphere as my “world container” (the camera will be inside of it) and I want to have this sphere look like a glowing spherical cage. As I was thinking about it the most simple way seemed to create a sphere, activate wireframe and color it using emisive color but that doesn’t seems to be possible.

Am I trying to do what I want the wrong way ? :sweat_smile:

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The glow layer does not work on wireframe geometries.

You can try something like this, which draws the edges of each triangles through a custom vertex/shader and makes the edge thickness pulsates over time:

This is based on:

You can change the method in the fragment shader:

#define METHOD 1

Note that:


is very important, as it ensures that each triangle has its 3 own vertices and that no vertex are shared by triangles. You need this because each vertex of a triangle has a new attribute barycentric that can’t be shared because its value may be different for two vertices at the same location if they are not in the same triangle.


Thank you all for your replies.
I finally found another way by using Torus

For the moment I found my solution inelegant but I think I’m getting closer of what I want to do :sweat_smile:

Now I need to figure out how to draw the wireframe using those torus.

I took a look at your methods Evgeni_Popov but I think I’m not enough good at math to make a successful implementation of them

Even if it is not what I’m trying to do I love you shown Necips Looking like a sort of alien techno sphere :alien: Love it !

Again, thanks a lot for your answers !

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Note that the glow layer can be used with my PG:


hello, example effect is very good!
but how to render triangular face to quads face?

These threads may help: