Is there any example or tutorial document of WebXRImageTracking?

I can find only this: WebXRImageTracking | Babylon.js Documentation

And an example mentioned in this post: Is there an AR Example

But it seems doesn’t work in my phone :frowning:

Can there be some more detailed introductions of WebXRImageTracking?

Are you using iOS? I don’t think Apple support webXR(?)

Android. It’s Chrome

Do you have any error message in the console of the browser?

cc @RaananW

Unrecognized feature requested: image-tracking

DOMException: Failed to execute ‘requestSession’ on ‘XRSystem’: The session request contains invalid requiredFeatures and could not be fullfilled.
at e.initializeSessionAsync (
at e. (
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Failed to execute ‘requestSession’ on ‘XRSystem’: The session request contains invalid requiredFeatures and could not be fullfilled.

Maybe you need to enable this flag:


Thanks very much. I didn’t thought about the flag to enable because the most simple AR experience worked in Chrome without toggling that

The reason we don’t have extensive documentation and examples for this feature is that it is still considered experimental and is behind a flag on chrome (as you have found out). When it will be out of incubation we will publish more examples for sure.


Thanks for answering. One more question: is it possible to try AR on iOS Safari?

nope, iOS doesn’t support WebXR

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