Lacking documentation on scene.optimizer

  • The examples are kinda insufficient ( only one ). Maybe it gets split up to highlight the individual features?

  • The documentation for new BABYLON.CustomOptimization is kind of lacking. For one, the use of the priority argument is never given;

  • The class BABYLON.CustomOptimization is also not shown in any examples given.

  • As I went through the API I read that the usage of BABYLON.CustomOptimization is;
    let mine = new BABYLON.CustomOptimization(2);
    mine.onApply = () => {
        console.log("My Optimization Called");
        scene.shadowsEnabled( false );
    mine.onGetDescription = () => { return "My Custom Optimization Called" };
  • And that priority dictates in what order the BABYLON.SceneOptimization optimizations are executed in ascending order;
    let mine = new BABYLON.CustomOptimization(0.3); // executed first
    let mine2 = new BABYLON.CustomOptimization(1.2); // executed second
    let mine25 = new BABYLON.CustomOptimization(2); // executed third
    let mine3 = new BABYLON.CustomOptimization(3.5); // executed fourth
    let mineN = new BABYLON.CustomOptimization(n); // executed nth
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Adding @PirateJC who is the keeper of the Doc :smiley:

Hey @sokorototo

Glad to hear you’ve identified areas where the docs can improve. How would you feel about taking a pass at improving the scene optimizer doc and submit a PR?


Ye, I would like to do that. At least I benefit the ecosystem