Latest Version Animations Borked?

Noticed on Frame whenever we delete an asset the callback at the end is never reached.

Looked into it and saw that there was an animation being fired responsible for the action and callback.

In this case we are trying to “bounce” animate down to zero scaling, but it skips zero and keeps going into negative infinity.

This is a regression as this animation has been in use for us for as long as I can remember.

Could be related to this:

So its probably just that we need to update our Loop mode?

Yup that was it. I guess its not so much a bug as a breaking change?

cc @sebavan, shouldn’t we indicate somewhere that this is a break change (even if it’s a bug fix), as several users have encountered the problem?

Yup I am not too sure how to handle it as the previous behavior was wrong but the users got used to it :frowning:

Maybe the function should default to loopMode constant so at least it does not loop by default ?

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Un-intentional feature you mean :wink:

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