hi and welcome to the forum
how are you
for short time task you can make it in question category and i freely like do challenge for babylonjs developers
but about this task you send me the Obj thanks
in the .obj of the sunglasses model, split the faces into two meshes: the sunglass frame (opaque) and the sunglass lens (semi-transparent). Add an alpha channel to the texture, set initially to 0.5
write a babylonJS script with the following scene: the sunglass model in the center of the view, with an arc rotate camera view that auto-rotates the view at 1 full rotation/20 seconds, and allows for user override to manually rotate around the object. The babylonJS material shader should be set to display the sunglass frame as opaque (no alpha), and then the lens as semi-transparent (with alpha).
The lens is semitransparent, and the frame is glossy with sparkle (not shown very well in our photos). It looks like the sparkle mug, photo included.