Curious if anyone has integrated Lottie 2D animations into babylon
Hello and welcome!
I did not but I’m also interested to see how it could work
I made a simple integration,
This is the npm address babylonjs-lottie - npm (
He can use it like this
let box = MeshBuilder.CreateBox("box")
let lottieTexture = await LottieTexture.LoadFromUrlAsync("name", "/Aniki Hamster.json", scene, {} /*option*/)
let mat = new PBRMaterial("pbr", scene)
mat.albedoTexture = lottieTexture
box.material = mat
That’s cool!
w000t this is cool !!!
@qq2315137135 we should add it to the doc !!! cc @PirateJC and @PatrickRyan as they might be familiar with Lottie
Thai cool la
do I need to do anything?
I’d be happy to help, but I don’t have much experience in this area.
Hmm we could add in the Community Extensions part? Community Extensions | Babylon.js Documentation (
You can write about it in our docs if you’d like, we have our documentation repo here BabylonJS/Documentation: Babylon.js’s documentation website (
I would love to.
However, since English is not my first language, I may not be able to write very well.
I rely on translation software.
I will learn how to write the document.
If you have any questions about the language feel free to send me a PM and I’ll help you as I can English is also my second language so I know it feels complicated to write sometimes
Actually, I already sent a PR. I missed the metadata, and it’s still under review.
Sorry for the bad writing
@qq2315137135 you are the best, thanks a lot !!!
A small update, with UMD support. So it can now run in the playground
@qq2315137135 hey! awesome extension , so I wasn’t able to find the repo for babylonjs-lottie to update the babylon peer dependeny to 7.0, do u have any plans to publish the repo or update the dependency ?
I just updated the peer dependencies to 7.0. The repository link is here
cc @PatrickRyan as we were talking about it yesterday
Thank u so much!!
(btw, the repo from that link looks private)
Now, I’ve changed the visibility of the repository to public.
I didn’t pay that much attention when I created it