I am importing an obj file into my scene. Then I am exporting it using GLTF2Export.GLBAsync.
I am using a right-handed coordinate system. When I re-import the glb file I have the wrong sideOrientation on materials. Is it possibly an issue of converting between standard material and PBR material not taking into account the right handed coordinate system? When I switch to left handed it works fine.
The root of the problem is that the babylon file is referencing a texture https://dl.dropbox.com/s/oziv24ps27qhel2/basket_texture.jpg that isn’t an image. The handling of this is wrong somewhere in the rendering/export for this edge case, but fixing the asset will probably make it work.
Looks like there is an issue with the exporting code. @BrianW Can you file an issue on GitHub? @Drigax Can you look at this? Something is wrong with the way the materials are being exported. I can show you offline.