Max exporter dont export meshes with multi materials in shell slot?

I can export mesh with multi material assigned , but when i bake lightmap into shell material no mesh is exported , blank scene. It exports only if i set baked multimaterial to only 1 channel.

Pinging @kcoley

Shouldn’t your baked lightmaps linked into your submaterials rather than the shell one?

What do you want once inside the engine: an object with only one material (and so with a completemap) or an object with all its submaterials (and so with its lightmap assigned on each submaterial)?

Im making architectural piece so im baking completemap with vray, no lights in babylon only textures.

Hi @swavec , I’ll take a look once I finish up some pending Max exporter issues.

@swavec tracking here: Max exporter not exporting meshes with multi materials in shell slot · Issue #413 · BabylonJS/Exporters · GitHub

Hi @swavec, do you have a sample scene I can use to help repro the issue? Thanks

HI, max 2015 file and rendered multi map in shell. Im exporting glb file.

Hi @swavec I just merged a fix for this: fix shell material multi mat export by kcoley · Pull Request #431 · BabylonJS/Exporters · GitHub

Feel free to give it a try

Hi , it is working now. Any chance for fix with transparency mode :

Hello all, I’m having the exact same problem described here, the Kcoley fix doesn’t seem to work now.

A multimaterial and a shell material are exported correctly but a multimaterial connected to a shell material exports the mesh as an empty node.
Tested with the exporter up to date v20240125.3 in .babylon and .glTF.

Pinging @Deltakosh because @swavec and @kcoley don’t seem to have been around for a while.

Hey @Juansahu, unfortunately we are not maintaining the exporters anymore. We are hoping that the gltx exporters for Max and Maya will take over actually.

The cost for the team to maintain these plugins in a proprietary codebase like the ones from Autodesk was too high

That being said the projects are still up and running in Github for whoever wants to help :slight_smile:

Thank you for the reply @Deltakosh. The native exporter still lacks a lot of features but I totally understand it.

I will take a look at the github repo to try fix it myself and maybe I can contribute. It is still a great tool :slight_smile:

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I do agree. so many things are missing and it is a shame that Autodesk does not support gltf better