I’ve duplicated shaderMaterial.ts
and compared it to simpleMaterial.ts
, and added lines that seem relevant to binding lights. However I’m likely missing something, I’m just getting black for the diffuse.
> private _disableLighting = false;
> @expandToProperty("_markAllSubMeshesAsLightsDirty")
> public disableLighting: boolean;
> @serialize("maxSimultaneousLights")
> private _maxSimultaneousLights = 4;
> @expandToProperty("_markAllSubMeshesAsLightsDirty")
> public maxSimultaneousLights: number;
public isReady(mesh?: AbstractMesh, useInstances?: boolean, subMesh?: SubMesh): boolean {
> // Lights
> const needNormals = MaterialHelper.PrepareDefinesForLights(scene, mesh, defines, false, this._maxSimultaneousLights, this._disableLighting);
> if (needNormals) {
> defines.push("#define _needNormals");
> }
effect = engine.createEffect(
> indexParameters: {
> maxSimultaneousMorphTargets: numInfluencers,
> maxSimultaneousLights: this._maxSimultaneousLights,
> },
public bind(world: Matrix, mesh?: Mesh, effectOverride?: Nullable<Effect>, subMesh?: SubMesh): void {
> // Lights
> const scene = this.getScene();
> if (scene.lightsEnabled && !this.disableLighting) {
> MaterialHelper.BindLights(scene, mesh, this._activeEffect, subMesh.materialDefines, this._maxSimultaneousLights);
> }
Fragment shader:
#ifdef GL_ES
precision mediump float;
varying vec2 vUV;
varying vec3 vNormalW;
varying vec3 vPositionW;
uniform sampler2D diffuseTexture;
uniform float blend;
uniform vec3 blendColor;
void main(void) {
vec4 baseColor = texture2D(diffuseTexture, vUV);
vec3 normalW = normalize(vNormalW);
float globalShadow = 0.;
float shadowLightCount = 0.;
vec3 diffuseColor = vec3(1., 1., 1.);
vec3 diffuseBase = vec3(0., 0., 0.);
lightingInfo info;
float shadow = 1.;
float glossiness = 0.;
vec3 finalDiffuse = clamp(diffuseBase, 0.0, 1.0);
gl_FragColor = vec4(finalDiffuse, 1);
Vertex Shader
#ifdef GL_ES
precision highp float;
attribute vec3 position;
attribute vec3 normal;
attribute vec2 uv;
uniform mat4 world;
uniform mat4 viewProjection;
varying vec2 vUV;
varying vec3 vNormalW;
varying vec3 vPositionW;
void main(void) {
mat4 finalWorld = world;
vec3 positionUpdated = position;
gl_Position = viewProjection * finalWorld * vec4(positionUpdated, 1.0);
vUV = uv;
mat3 normalWorld = mat3(finalWorld);
vNormalW = normalize(normalWorld * normal);
vPositionW = vec3(finalWorld * vec4(positionUpdated, 1));
And as a sanity check I used StandardMaterial and it renders with lighting. Babylon 5.43
Any help would be appreciated!