If you remove the post process, the edges on the sphere become smooth, if the post process is on then they become jagged. Assuming this is expected behavior, why isn’t this mentioned in the documentation?
Anti aliasing is only turned on by default on the main canvas buffer, not manually created frame buffers, fortunately since webgl2 you can enable it on frame buffer. To do so, you can simply set the samples value of the post process to your chosen number of samples.
Would it be possible to fake a simple post process effect by using blending. i.e. an effect that isn’t reliant on the underlying scene color. Would I need to create my own screen-space mesh for that?
SSAA is expensive. FXAA always looks flickery. TAA would solve post process flickering, but would be hard to accomplish with WebGL. But this discussion, while enriching, doesn’t have much to do with this topic.
I would love to know if I am able to use the postProcess pipeline to create a fake post effect without the need to the the original color pass, since I will not be using it.
EDIT: i.e. a quad drawn over the screen with post fragment-program blending.
You can create a scene with just a camera and a postprocess (that can be rendered on top of another scene if required). Then you can create your own post process to do what you want
I am using a custom postProcess. But I’m just curious what will happen if I don’t render the original scene in a PassPostProcess. I predict it will show garbage, but I will find out.