Node material glow effects problem

Hi @PatrickRyan

Regarding your video Node Material Glow Effects, I’m having trouble applying this technique to the following node material and PG:

The relevant glow mask parts are glowing and nodeMaterial.emissiveStrength varies the amount of glow as expected, however even the non glow masked parts are glowing and also reflecting a bit when they shouldn’t.

When I comment out glowLayer.referenceMeshToUseItsOwnMaterial(mesh); then the erroneous reflections disappear (leaving only the expected reflected parts), but also of course the glow disappears.

Somewhat related …

I’m also wanting to get this node material to work with skeletal animation (note the jumping nurse’s shadow moving but not the nurse herself, when the node material is applied).

After that I need to test and adapt it to support instanced meshes.

It’s easier now to set the glow layer color in a node material, because we added a “glow” input to the FragmentOutput block: if you wire something to this input, it will be used as the glow color in the glow layer.

To support instances, you must add the Instances block, and Bones to support skeletal animations:


Thanks so much @Evgeni_Popov !

I did see the glow input but read somewhere else that it was a kind of generic input. That must have been old info.

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