Not all the textures are loading in my glb file

when I am exporting my glb file all the textures are not stored in the glb file(IN REACT JS).
Original Model
The Glb file model

And also the textures file’s that I want to include is of ktx2 extensions.The glb file is containing lower textures and not the high resolutions or we can say exporting lower LOD’S not the higher one

we will need a repro but I’m not sure to see which texture is missing from your image?

thanks for the response ,actually will not be able to provide the repo .And as for the textures as you can see in original pic all the textures are present in high resolution but in second one the textures are there but in lower one.

Well with no repro there is little we can do

How do you export your gltf?

I use this code for conversions.
async function exportToGLB(scene) {
console.log(“glbExport”, scene);
scene.meshes = scene.meshes.filter((mesh) => {
return !== “infinitePlane” && !== “ground”;
scene.meshes.forEach((mesh) => { =;
var options = {
shouldExportNode: function (node) {
return (
node.isEnabled() &&
node !== scene.activeCamera &&
node !== scene.lights[0]
includeCoordinateSystemConversionNodes: false,
shouldExportVertexData: true, // Ensure vertex data is correctly marked
shouldExportIndexData: true,

try {
    const response = await GLTF2Export.GLBAsync(scene, "Test", options);

    console.log("Export successful:", response);

} catch (error) {
    console.error("Error exporting GLB:", error);

and when the glb fle is exported it looks like this .

And the textures file is empty

If the texture is KTX and you are using Babylon exporter to export, this isn’t supported yet.

Please upvote this feature request if you want this: Add Support KTX Textures in GLB Exporter - Feature requests - Babylon.js (

ohk ,is there any other function I can use for creating the glb file …With ktx textures.

Not within Babylon.js at the moment.

ohk ,is there a way outside the babylon…

Sorry for the delay, I was on vacation.

I’m not sure what you mean by this. If you are loading the glb into some other tool, it will outside the scope of this forum, but if you can tell me what you are trying to do, I might know some tools that can do it.