After seeing some golden old names posting new content on here, I got rather interested in the idea of “whos still around”?
I noticed that old legends like @Wingnut are gone and some others. While a few people have stuck around and maintain to be amazing assets for the community.
Just wanted to do a roll call and head count.
WHOS ALL STILL HERE? Its been years now and some of you have been crucial roles in the development of both myself and others carriers. Would love to hear from y’all even if it’s just a hey I’m still here post.
<3 Appreciate all of you and the efforts that have been put in to make this the best webGL community in the world.
Yes I am still here (almost since the birth of babylon). I never left the ship, I love this engine too much and I could do something great with it one day. I hope so.
It’s true that I don’t post much anymore, I come every day, read some subjects and that’s it, sometimes/rarely I answer. I am busy with carpentry every day which gives me less time for development. I advance much more slowly, but I advance and I remain present.
I didn’t join HTML5 forums till January 2017, so not sure if that qualifies! I definitely spent a lot more time on there than here - mostly lurking these days as I am much, much busier!
There are so many contributions these days that I cannot keep up with all the new things…
Present. Today is an interesting date. On March 30 or 31, 2014, I saw on Bloomberg TV that it was announced that Facebook had bought Occlus. I had never heard of it.
I had done some GPGPU and then OpenCL programming in the past. After some searching, I starting working with BJS on that April Fool’s Day.
Rewriting the Blender exporter started a few days later, as reverting to procedural programming was un-acceptable. Meshes are the dominate objects in graphics programming. Having to give up subclassing them because they had to be generated is not a good enough reason.
I had been working with interpeters since 1979, APL. I started dynamic programming, programs that write programs, in 1984. Having Blender write my programs was not a very big deal in my case.
Yes, I’ve been around a long time - basically because there was/is a fine Blender exporter. Shortly after I joined, @JCPalmer joined the forum and took over writing the exporter which @Deltakosh had started and I have been happy. It gets regularly updated and produces an easy to read .babylon file and “log” file with warnings and points out errors which I find very useful.
But I grow old now - if I’m still around in two years time, you will have an octogenarian using Babylon.js. Something to show that it is not all young folks at the frontiers of 3D. A really “old head” eh, @Pryme8 ?