Open Source Game Series 2 - First Person Shooter


Continuing the Open Source Game Series (first episode here), in the episode 2 we have a simple 3D FPS game.

You can play it here:

And the full code is here:

I hope you can enjoy it!

Special Thanks (these guys helped me a lot during the game development):
@Deltakosh, @MarianG, @bghgary, @Gijs

EDIT (June 11, 2019): Fixed the sensitivity and inertia of the camera to present a more pleasant gameplay



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Link is dead.

Hi there, the code is still alive on Github: GitHub - TiagoSilvaPereira/simple-3d-fps: A simple FPS game with BabylonJS engine following Clean Code principles (Demo link is dead because Heroku does not offer free accounts anymore)

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Mind if I fork this? For maintaining my awesome-babylonjs list, I’ve forked several abandoned Babylon.js projects on GitHub and ported them to TypeScript, then deployed them to GitHub pages.

Have you considered github pages? It’s how I’m hosing my small projects.