I’m using an ArcRotateCamera with mode = ORTHOGRAPHIC_CAMERA.
The problem is when beta = 0, it seems like the angle is not perfectly 0, but a little tilted.
In the playgroud below, there are 2 boxes, one stacked on the other.
When beta = 0 (seeing from above), you can see a litle of the underneath box, but I was expecting to see only the top box.
Is this a bug or am I missing something?
I think it can not be exactly 0 to prevent gimbal lock issues IIRC. cc @Deltakosh who might remember straight of his head
August 17, 2022, 9:04pm
It looks like the problem is just that the default lowerBetaLimit is 0.01 so beta isn’t actually set to 0 but 0.01. But if you remove the lower limit then it can be set to 0 and works as expected.
Thanks @Blake ! Setting lowerBetaLimit = 0 worked like a charm!
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