PBR Heightmap possible?


Will it ever be possible to use the heightmap of the PBR materials?

Best Regards,


I am not sure what you mean ? In babylon heightmap are supported to generate meshes for terrain for example.

If you are thinking more about displacement maps, I guess you could do it with a custom vertex in NME (@PirateJC might even have done it ???)

We thought about it at some points in standards but it gets really tricky to have quality and fast normals as well as not breaking our physics/collision mecanism.

There are different types of maps that are used in PBR:

Ambient occlusion.

But I can’t use the Height Map, will this never be possible?

As mentioned about it, we thought about it at some points to include it in standard but it gets really tricky to have quality and fast normals as well as not breaking our physics/collision mecanism.

I guess it could come with those restrictions and not be available in WebGL1 is probably not a problem anymore.