Does it fail, not compile? I’m not entirely sure what the error is.
Ping @Cedric
Can you provide a more detailed error log and a playground so we can repro the issue?
and I always thought a point light has no direction. But may be I’m wrong? If so, we would need to adjust the doc because it says the point light is always pointing in ‘every direction’.
PG:Babylon.js Playground
Sorry that i reply so late,i’ve been too busy. @RaananW @mawa @Cedric
Drag and move the positionGizmo,it will be error.
I see.
Well, I can’t tell if this is normal behavior or not but I think I have a go-around. Overall, when you think of it, it could be normal because a point light is supposingly attached to a mesh (should be).
So creating a mesh, attaching the pointlight to this parent and next moving the parent does work.
Just make the parent invisible.
Cool~It is a good idea.
BTW,this issue appeared while fixing another bug.I think that we can fix it or block the error.Let we wait Cedric check the problem.
Sure. As I said, I have no idea if this is normal behavior, and even if it is, if the fix is easy it can come in handy to have it done. Meanwhile, have a great day,
Have a great day.