So I am trying to think of the best way to take an emissive color and put it behind a the mesh that is emitting it while having the mesh take on a look that it has no emission what so ever.
Figured I need to grab a prePass before any post effects are applied, turn off the emissive on the meshes that I want to use the effect on grab that pre pass then in my modified GlowLayer do what I am doing where I subtract the glow data and add the results on top of the prePass.
I just cant find any examples of the PrePassRenderer
Yeah looks like I did not understand fully how it adds it back into the scene. Looks like I need to somehow just step in on the timing.
I need to apply make sure the emissive Colors and textures on the material, then do the glow pass which I am correctly subtracting the info out that I need, then I need to take all the emissive colors off the materials prior to the glow being composed back onto the scene.
Just not seeing where in the timing stack I would step in on this.
The effect layers renders exactly only emissive Colors + Textures and there are 2 events onBeforeRenderMeshToEffect and onAfterRenderMeshToEffect where you could swap in/out the emissive info.
then you could probably hack in the compose step (post process blit with blend mode) to do your thing ?