I’m facing a strange issue using the gizmo manager and the bounding box gizmo. When I enable it, it shows only the box, but not the controls to scale, etc, as you can see in the following video:
I’m using BabylonJS 5.57.1, and the code to enable the gizmo is as simple as:
this.gizmoManager.boundingBoxGizmoEnabled = true;
I’m also following this playground here:
I also tried the following options without success:
const utilityLayer = new BABYLON.UtilityLayerRenderer(this.scene);
this.gizmoManager.gizmos.boundingBoxGizmo.utilityLayer = utilityLayer;
Hi @ryantrem, thank you for responding. I tried upgrading to Babylon 7.43, but the issue persists. I tried to reproduce the issue on Playground, but without success (I’m basically doing the same as the Playground).
I managed to reproduce this in a Playground. It seems the problem is my scene scaling (objects are big, and the camera is far from the scene center):
Is there any way to keep the size of the controls, even if my camera is far from the object and the object is big, like in this playground?
EDIT: I just found the solution in the docs: Babylon.js docs
Unfortunately, scaling all the objects and scenes would be very difficult. Hundreds of models are in an application about 6 years old, with dozens of thousands of scene data saved to a database, etc.
So, if there is any way to increase the controls directly in the code, that would be extremely useful.