I made an animation of a belt in Blender but when I export it (I use version 6.4.4 for export) and view it with babylonjs the animation does something else.
I attach the Blender file as well as the resulting babylonjs file. The fault is visible in the sandbox.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Sorry but I don’t see how to share the files!
how should I do it
Pinging @JCPalmer who is the owner of our blender exporter
Well, since armature animations cannot be run from the sandbox in the .babylon format, you are doing position / rotation / scale animation.
Start by posting your exporter log file. Since it is text, you can paste right in. It looks a lot easier to read if you put 3 back-quotes on the lines before and after.
If you need to post .babylon or .blend files, they need to be inside of a .zip file.
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thank you JCPalmer
Here is the log file :
“”" Exporter version: 6.4.4, Blender version: 2.90.1
========= Conversion from Blender to Babylon.js =========
Scene settings used :
Inline textures : false
Material Type : PBR
Positions Precision : 4
Normals Precision : 3
UVs Precision : 3
Vert Color Precision: 3
Mat Weight Precision: 2
Keep Z-up r-handed : no
Texture directory : D:\guide_de_la_mecanique\LE_GUIDE\Les_animations_edge\transmissions\Courroies\TR-courroies_3\blender
Python World class constructor completed
processing begun of camera (ArcRotateCamera): Camera
WARNING: Camera type with mandatory target specified, but no target to track set. Ignored
processing begun of mesh: michaud chailly A71-1SPA-112 10
processing begun of material: Material.003
num positions : 3330
num normals : 3330
num tangents : 0
num uvs : 0
num uvs2 : 0
num colors : 0
num triangles : 5184
processing begun of mesh: michaud chailly A71-1SPA-280 12
processing begun of material: Material.004
processing begun of material: Material.005
processing begun of multimaterial: courroieTrapezoidale3.Multimaterial#0
num positions : 5634
num normals : 5634
num tangents : 0
num uvs : 0
num uvs2 : 0
num colors : 0
num triangles : 8732
processing begun of mesh: Circle
WARNING: No materials have been assigned:
num positions : 0
num normals : 0
num tangents : 0
num uvs : 0
num uvs2 : 0
num colors : 0
num triangles : 0
WARNING: mesh, Circle, has 0 vertices; ignored
WARNING: The following object (type - CURVE) is not currently exportable thus ignored: BezierCircle
processing begun of mesh: Spa1000.001
animation processing begun
processing action Action: in[1 - 250], out[0 - 250]
processing begun of material: Material.002
processing begun of material: Material.005
registered as also a user of material: Material.005
processing begun of multimaterial: courroieTrapezoidale3.Multimaterial#1
num positions : 1640
num normals : 1640
num tangents : 0
num uvs : 3280
num uvs2 : 0
num colors : 0
num triangles : 2112
WARNING: # of 0 area faces found: 16
processing begun of node: axe rotation
processing begun of light (POINT): Light
========= Writing of JSON file started =========
writing mesh: michaud chailly A71-1SPA-112 10
writing mesh: michaud chailly A71-1SPA-280 12
writing mesh: Spa1000.001
========= Writing of JSON file completed =========
========= end of processing =========
elapsed time: 0 min, 1.6015 secs
here are the files :
blend, babylon and index1.html which contains the scene : fichiers.zip (363.7 KB)
Looked at your stuff. Unfortunately, this is not going to work. You basically have an animation which changes the Y position (Z in BJS) of the belt. You also have a curve modifier on the belt based on a bezier curve , which in blender has the effect of rotating the belt.
In BJS, this is just going move the belt forward and back in the scene. BJS just does not have modifiers like this. Some may have an idea of how to do this better than I, but I do not have any ideas.
Thank you @JCPalmer for taking the time to look at the problem.
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