Hi all,
I’m sure you’re all sick of this sort of query but I’m afraid I’m going to have to contribute yet another one. I’m just plain struggling to get any sort of skeleton or animation attached to my Blender exports working correctly, and it seems that no skeletons or animations are being pulled in at all.
Here’s my code:
BABYLON.SceneLoader.ImportMesh("testo", "models/characters/", "cubeAnim.babylon", scene, function (Armature, particle2, Armature) {
// scene.beginAnimation(skele[0], 0, 25, true, 1.0);
//cube[0].scaling.y = 50;
console.log("mesh: "+cube);
console.log("particle: "+particle2);
console.log("skeleton: "+Armature);
And here’s the setup in Blender:
In case it helps, here’s the log file after exporting:
Exporter version: 6.1.2, Blender version: 2.80 (sub 75)
========= Conversion from Blender to Babylon.js =========
Scene settings used :
inline textures : false
Material Type : PBR
Positions Precision : 4
Normals Precision : 3
UVs Precision : 3
Vert Color Precision: 3
Mat Weight Precision: 2
texture directory : (redacted for now due to client information)
Python World class constructor completed
WARNING: No active camera has been assigned, or is not in a currently selected Blender layer
processing begun of skeleton: Armature, id: 0
processing begun of bone: Bone, index: 0
processing action ArmatureAction: in[0 - 25], out[0 - 25]
processing begun of mesh: testo
processing begun of material: Material
num positions : 30
num normals : 30
num tangents : 0
num uvs : 60
num uvs2 : 0
num colors : 0
num indices : 36
========= Writing of JSON file started =========
========= Writing of JSON file completed =========
========= end of processing =========
elapsed time: 0 min, 0.024 secs
Now here’s how it’s looking in Babylon:
As you can see, the mesh doesn’t even register as having a skeleton. I’ve used the same code to bring in the “Dude” (aka “him” in the console) that’s seen in various BJS examples and as you can see he’s running perectly (also please excuse me from having to exclude some client information in the screenshot).
This is happening with whatever models I export from Blender 2.80. I’ve ensured that the cube is parented by the armature, and there are certainly no un-applied transformations within the scene. I’m still unsure if naming the armature or the cube itself has any bearing on things (it’s been tricky to surmise just from the documentation). I’ve been looking at this all day but if anyone can help ease my looking around it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much!