Problem with ExtrudeShape Custom

I have been using the ExtrudeShapeCustom to try to do a accurate helicopter’s blade.
const pala = MeshBuilder.ExtrudeShapeCustom (“pala”,{shape: perfil, closeShape: true,path: path, rotationFunction: torsion,sideOrientation: 2})
(I can’t attach a playground link, because i’m working in visual studio code)
In the computer I have programmed it, it works as I wanted.
The problem is that when I pass it to my lapton an error appear in that function.
It said: Argument of type ‘{ shape: Vector3; closeShape: boolean; path: Vector3; rotationFunction: () => number; sideOrientation: number; }’ is not assignable to parameter of type ‘{ shape: Vector3; path: Vector3; scaleFunction?: any; rotationFunction?: any; ribbonCloseArray?: boolean | undefined; ribbonClosePath?: boolean | undefined; cap?: number | undefined; … 5 more …; invertUV?: boolean | undefined; }’.
Object literal may only specify known properties, and ‘closeShape’ does not exist in type ‘{ shape: Vector3; path: Vector3; scaleFunction?: any; rotationFunction?: any; ribbonCloseArray?: boolean | undefined; ribbonClosePath?: boolean | undefined; cap?: number | undefined; … 5 more …; invertUV?: boolean | undefined; }’.

I’m using visual studio in both of them.

You are setting the closeShape property that, according to the error message, does not exist. It’s probably a problem with the version of Babylon.js you are using on the laptop, which would be too old / not the same one you are using on your desktop?