I’m facing some weird problem when I try to include a sprite in my scene.
The sprite is showing some lines on right and down (the one marked with orange box). This is how I include the sprites in my scene.
spriteManager_test = new BABYLON.SpriteManager("TestManager",
"./textures/icon.png", 2000, {width: 512, height: 1024});
spriteManager_test.isPickable = true;.
testsprite = new BABYLON.Sprite("See 3D Model", spriteManager_test);
testsprite.width = 250;
testsprite.height = 500;
testsprite.position = new BABYLON.Vector3(100, -300, 750);
testsprite.isPickable = true;
testsprite.useAlphaForPicking = true;
Not sure of the reason why the sprite shows some lines on right and down. Any help is appreciated.