Procedural Texture react-babylonjs

This might be an incredibly dumb question, but I am trying to use the FireProceduralTexture in the react-babylonjs system.

Any idea where I would get the fragment to feed directly into the component?

"<proceduralTexture size={256} fragment={} />"

pinging @brianzinn

The prodedural textures NPM hasn’t been integrated via code compiler generation (only GUI, core and Dynamic Terrain extension). I think that would be a good addition to include - feel free to create an issue in the repo. In the meantime, you can add it something like this:

import React, { useCallback } from 'react'
import { Engine, Scene } from '../../../dist/react-babylonjs'

import { Vector3, Space } from '@babylonjs/core/Maths/math'
import { FireProceduralTexture} from '@babylonjs/procedural-textures'

let scene = null;
const onSceneMounted = (sceneEventArgs) => {
    scene = sceneEventArgs.scene;
 * Insipration Playground:
function WithFireProcedural() {
  const ref = useCallback(node => {
    const fireTexture = new FireProceduralTexture("fire", 256, scene);
    const fireMaterial = node.hostInstance;
    fireMaterial.diffuseTexture = fireTexture;
    fireMaterial.opacityTexture = fireTexture;
  }, []);

return (
    <Engine antialias adaptToDeviceRatio canvasId='babylonJS'>
        <Scene onSceneMount={onSceneMounted}>
        <arcRotateCamera name='Camera' target={new Vector3(0, 0, 0)}
            alpha={-2} beta={Math.PI / 2}
            radius={12} minZ={0.001} wheelPrecision={50}
            target={new Vector3(-5, 0,-10)}

        <hemisphericLight name="Light" direction={new Vector3(0, 10, 0)} />

        <plane name='fireball' size={20}>
            <standardMaterial ref={ref} name='fontainSculptur2'
                rotate={[new Vector3(1.0, 1.0, 0.5), Math.PI / 3.0, Space.Local]}

I actually don’t know about the fragment property (is that the shader?) of procedural textures - haven’t dug into that.


It’s absolutely incredible that the two guys that wrote the library answered my message on here within the hour.

I really appreciate it, and it really should give everyone a lot of faith that BabylonJS really does have the better community amongst the web frameworks.

The code you posted worked perfectly.

I refactored things a bit to get rid of all the warnings. TYVM

import React, { useCallback } from 'react';
import "@babylonjs/core/Physics/physicsEngineComponent"  // side-effect adds scene.enablePhysics function
import { Vector3, PhysicsImpostor, Mesh, Color3, Nullable, FresnelParameters } from '@babylonjs/core';
import { CannonJSPlugin } from '@babylonjs/core/Physics/Plugins'
import {Scene, Engine, SceneEventArgs} from 'react-babylonjs';
import { Scene as SceneCore } from "@babylonjs/core/scene";
import * as CANNON from 'cannon';
import { FireProceduralTexture } from '@babylonjs/procedural-textures';


const gravityVector = new Vector3(0, -9.81, 0);
let sphere: Nullable<Mesh> = null;

const onButtonClicked = () => {
    if (sphere !== null) {
        sphere.physicsImpostor!.applyImpulse(Vector3.Up().scale(10), sphere.getAbsolutePosition())

let scene: SceneCore;
const onSceneMounted = (sceneEventArgs: SceneEventArgs) => {
    scene = sceneEventArgs.scene;

const DefaultPlayground = () => {
    let sunnyDayRootUrl = 'assets/textures/TropicalSunnyDay';

    const ref = useCallback(node => {
        const fireTexture = new FireProceduralTexture("fire", 256, scene);
        const fireMaterial = node.hostInstance;
        fireMaterial.diffuseTexture = fireTexture;
        fireMaterial.opacityTexture = fireTexture;
    }, []);

    const sphereRef = useCallback(node => {
        sphere = node.hostInstance;
    }, []);

    return (
        <Engine antialias = {true} adaptToDeviceRatio = {true} canvasId = "sample-canvas" >
            <Scene onSceneMount={onSceneMounted} enablePhysics = {[gravityVector, new CannonJSPlugin()]} >

                <arcRotateCamera name = "arc" target = {new Vector3(0, 1, 0)}
                                 alpha = {-Math.PI / 2} beta = {(0.5 + (Math.PI / 4))}
                                 radius = {10} minZ = {0.001} wheelPrecision = {50}

                <hemisphericLight name = "hemi" direction = {new Vector3(0, -1, 0)} intensity = {0.8} />
                <directionalLight name = "shadow-light" setDirectionToTarget = {[Vector3.Zero()]}
                                  direction = {Vector3.Zero()} position = {new Vector3(-40, 30, -40)}
                                  intensity = {0.4} shadowMinZ = {1} shadowMaxZ = {2500} >
                    <shadowGenerator mapSize = {1024} useBlurExponentialShadowMap = {true} blurKernel = {32}
                                     shadowCasters = {["sphere1", "dialog"]} forceBackFacesOnly = {true}
                                     depthScale = {100}
                </directionalLight >
                <sphere ref = {sphereRef} name = "sphere1" diameter = {2} segments = {16}
                        position = {new Vector3(0, 2.5, 0)} >
                    <standardMaterial name='material5' specularPower={64}
                                      emissiveColor={new Color3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2)}
                                          isEnabled: true,
                                          leftColor: [1, 1, 1],
                                          rightColor: [0, 0, 0],
                                          bias: 0.4,
                                          power: 2
                        <cubeTexture level={0.5} assignTo="reflectionTexture" rootUrl={sunnyDayRootUrl} />
                    <physicsImpostor type = {PhysicsImpostor.SphereImpostor} _options = {{
                        mass: 1,
                        restitution: 0.9
                    }} />
                    <plane name = "dialog" size = {2} position = {new Vector3(0, 1.5, 0)} >
                        <advancedDynamicTexture name = "dialogTexture" height = {1024} width = {1024}
                                                createForParentMesh = {true} hasAlpha = {true} >
                            <rectangle name = "rect-1" height = {0.5} width = {1} thickness = {12} cornerRadius = {12} >
                                <rectangle >
                                    <babylon-button name = "close-icon" background = "green"
                                                    onPointerDownObservable = {onButtonClicked} >
                                        <textBlock text = {'\uf00d click me'}
                                                   fontStyle = "bold" fontSize = {200} color = "white" />
                                    </babylon-button >
                                </rectangle >
                            </rectangle >
                        </advancedDynamicTexture >
                    </plane >
                </sphere >
                <hemisphericLight name="Light" direction={new Vector3(0, 10, 0)} />
                <ground name = "ground1" width = {10} height = {10} subdivisions = {2} receiveShadows = {true} >
                    <physicsImpostor type = {PhysicsImpostor.BoxImpostor} _options = {{
                        mass: 0,
                        restitution: 0.9
                    }} />
                    <standardMaterial ref={ref} name='fontainSculptur2' />
                </ground >
            </Scene >
        </Engine >
export default DefaultPlayground

Looks great @JRuiseco Fresnel Bouncing on Fire! If you are on the 4.2 alphas, the FresnelParameters now has an options constructor, so you can go:
emissiveFresnelParameters={new FresnelParameters({bias: 0.4, power: 2})}. :slight_smile:

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