ReadyPlayerMe adding Miximo animations with different number of bones in skeletons

I am trying to add animations from Miximo to a ReadyPlayerMe glb avatar without using Blender.

The original skeleton in the glb has 67 bones, the animations from Miximo have 82.

I wrote a function and automated adding the missing bones, now the animation works on the original skeleton, but the meshes are not moving. I checked the weight paint of the meshes in the development tools and it seems to still be painted.

I recreated the issue in the playground:

Please help… and thanks!

I’m taking a look

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It’s a bit more complicated because you are trying to set an animation coming from a .babylon file to a .glb mesh. Animations for .glb meshes, by default, are expected to update the transform nodes and not the bones. Also, you will have to invert the winding (sideOrientation) of the meshes to account for the right-handedness of .glb meshes:

See lines 94 and 95.