Reptilian Revolution - iOS game


I released a game called Reptilian Revolution past week!
It’s not my first game but it’s the first one that uses web technologies, and I really enjoyed the dev experience so far.
It uses Angular for routing and UI (zoneless), Babylon.js for 3d rendering, Anime.js, Rapier, and Capacitor.
It can be downloaded on App Store for iOS, Android version is on its way

I hope you like it!


This is really cool, do you have a web version ?

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Gosh! This is really good! I’m impressed

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Thank you, no, it uses app store’s achievements and leaderboard, so didn’t do web version

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Nice one! :muscle: Congratulation! I’m playing it just right now :slight_smile:

There are some issues:

  1. no sound
  2. height of the screen is bigger as my phone’s screen so it is cut at approx. 90%

Amazing, i will definitely be playing this.

Sorry do you mind me asking

  • Was there any hiccup from Apple when your app was being reviewed?
  • How was the experience? I heard that Apple is usually strict on bootstraped web apps.
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Hey thank you very much.
I didn’t have any problem about the app being a “web app”.
It uses Capacitor to “compile” the web into a native app, so to my understanding it shouldn’t be different for the review process.
The only thing they complied was about having a button somewhere to restore the In App purchases.

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Thank you!
Could you send me a screenshot to see how it looks?
Regarding the sound, it uses Howl as I have other projects done in Pixi so I tried to use that lib for both 2d and 3d projects, but with ios18 beta there were some problems.
One good thing about Angular is the Dependency Injection system, so I am planning to create like a generic sound service and be able to provide different implementations like Howl, the Babylon audio system, or the native capacitor plugin (not sure if this one will make any improvement over just WebAudio apis.

I had to kill the game (black screen only after app activated) before I could start it again.

Back button barely visible:

Play button:

Maybe it’s a gui issue and not a screen size one.

Yeah, those things are fixed in recent updates.
Game is now available on Google Play as well!