Rise of spams on the forum during the last days?

Third time in <24h that I flag and unlist such post :roll_eyes:

Dealing with this as fast as we can. Nothing else we can do - we won’t block IP ranges, countries, or certain names.

I thank everyone who flag these posts! :slight_smile:


:+1: :smiling_face:

By the way, I think that’s the main reason why Discourse-Based forums are the best : the ability to grant progressive trust levels to users, based on their activity, not reducing the (huge :scream: ) moderation work to a bunch of “admin” folks :stuck_out_tongue:

I get closer and closer to become an admin… then I am going to delete the hole internet! :smiley:


Ahah sure ! :smiley:

By the way, your profile is set to private now ? We can’t use it anymore to find your topics and have fun with your crazy playgrounds :cry: We can’t even DM anymore :sob:

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Smart move!

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