Scaling issues when importing a glTF into BabylonJS


I’m trying to create a model of a room in BabylonJS and import glTF models of furniture into it. The thing is, I cannot get the scaling and positioning right. In Blender, I try to scale everything to real world scale. E.g. a table in Blender is 1 x 1 x 2 meters. In BabylonJS the room is 10 x 5 (not sure is there are absolute units in Babylon). The furniture appears very big, not at all scaled to the room size.

How can I achieve this? I’m using BABYLON.SceneLoader.ImportMesh.

Thank you!

This should work if the Blender gltf exporter is not resizing the meshes.
Can you share a repro in the playground?

Did you have apply your transforms? 3DView > Object > Apply > Scale

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That’s it! Thank you very much!