SHADER CONTEST FOR BABYLON MEETUP 3 + Recording of Babylon Meetup #2

Hi everyone, the Babylon Monthly Meetup 2 earlier this month was incredible and we have the recording up here.

**For the next meetup, we want to spice up the metaverse meeting space with some epic shaders, and we want your help decorating the space!

So we’re launching a little shader creation contest and we can’t wait to see what you all make!**

The winner will get two things:

  • get to be a guest speaker on the sweet Babylon Chronicles Podcast (if you wish, no pressure)
  • get a endless pro Frame subscription which will get you your own private space in Frame that can support 200 people at once, is fully brandable (even the UI), and gives you an epic place to showcase your shaders/particle systems/3D models/anything you want. (Normal price for this is usually $200/month)

How to enter?

Just create a shader using the Node Material Editor and then submit your shader with a thumbnail to the Frame Library.

We will be decorating the Babylon Monthly Meetup Space with shaders from the Frame Library and one of submissions will be picked to be the winner!

Let us know if you have any questions - we can’t wait to see what you create and for the next meetup!

To add the next Monthly Meet up to your calendar, you can use this link.

Credit to @PirateJC for this shader contest idea :smile:


So pumped about this!

happy pirates of the caribbean GIF


Excellent idea!!

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