Hey guys… I noticed something a little weird in the lightmap texture final color contributions (especially compared to unity).
In unity… The other lights in the scene DONT affect geomtery that has a baked lightmap… But in BabylonJS… Even ambient light (which is basically an additional hemispheric light in the scene to fake ambient lighting) is being applied to to the baked lightmap color…
Seems to me, that in the Shaders, the lightmap section should be AFTER the lighting section but BEFORE the fog section.
What do you think about that ???
@Deltakosh and @sebavan ???
Lightmaps can be seen as an additional way to account for indirect lighting, but it does not preclude other types of indirect lighting. Ambient lighting is another indirect lighting (even if a crude one), that’s why it adds to the lightmap.
However, you can prevent the direct lighting to add to the lightmap lighting by setting light.lightmapMode = Light.LIGHTMAP_SHADOWSONLY
. With this setting, only shadows (if there’s is a shadow generator declared for this light) will apply, you won’t get any specular/diffuse contribution. You can also use Light.LIGHTMAP_SPECULAR
to get only the specular part of the direct lighting and not the diffuse contribution.
I was using Light.LIGHTMAP_SPECULAR and Light.LIGHTMAP_SHADOW_ONLY on the hemispheric ambient light… Which worked great for the meshes with a lightmap… But then the other meshes in the scene DONT get the full ambient lighting (And they should)
I think setting an unlit mode on the material if lightmapTexture != null …
But i noticed the pbr shader fragment for #UNLIT is missing the #LIGHTMAP section that has been moved to pbrBlockDirectLight.fx…
But the pbtFinalColorComposition.fx does have support for the lightmap…
// _____________________________ LightMappping _____________________________________
finalColor.rgb *= lightmapColor.rgb;
finalColor.rgb += lightmapColor.rgb;
So my question is… shouldn’t pbrMaterial.unlit = true … still at least support lightmaps ???
If so we can just add to the #define UNLIT section’s if statement:
#ifdef UNLIT
vec3 diffuseBase = vec3(1., 1., 1.);
vec4 lightmapColor = texture2D(lightmapSampler, vLightmapUV + uvOffset);
lightmapColor.rgb = fromRGBD(lightmapColor);
lightmapColor.rgb = toLinearSpace(lightmapColor.rgb);
lightmapColor.rgb *= vLightmapInfos.y;
in the pbr.fragment.fx shader
I don’t think so. unlit
means no lighting at all, and lightmap is a kind of light source.
I will let @Deltakosh / @sebavan answer regarding the fact that we may allow to remove the ambient lighting when using lightmaps.
Regarding the block in the final color compositing:
// _____________________________ LightMappping _____________________________________
finalColor.rgb *= lightmapColor.rgb;
finalColor.rgb += lightmapColor.rgb;
I think it’s a mistake and it should be:
// _____________________________ LightMappping _____________________________________
#if defined(LIGHTMAP) and !defined(UNLIT)
finalColor.rgb *= lightmapColor.rgb;
finalColor.rgb += lightmapColor.rgb;
Else, in unlit mode with a lightmap enabled it will crash, because the lookup in the lightmap texture (variable lightmapColor
) is done only when unlit=false
(in the pbrBlockDirectLighting.fx
My mistake, your ambient is the HemisphericLight
whereas I’m speaking of the ambient
term in the light calculation…
What you want is that the contribution of the HemisphericLight
is 0 when there’s a lightmap (more precisely, take only the value read from the lightmap), something that is different from just allowing to not take into account the ambient
term in the light calculation: the diffuse term would still contribute, as well as the indirect lighting terms…
Let’s see what the core team think about this!
However, I’m surprised about this:
It should work, see this PG: https://playground.babylonjs.com/#J8B2ID#1
The ground has a material with a lightmap.
The hemispheric light is set with lightmapMode = Light.LIGHTMAP_SHADOWSONLY
so the ground is only “lit” by the lightmap.
The sphere has a material without lightmap and is correctly lit by the light (else it would be all black).
Change the light intensity: you will see it does not affect the ground but it does affect the sphere.
yup would be cool to have a PR for it 
Why not using the include and exclude for lights than need the hemi only ?
In fact, as said in the latest part of my comment, it seems it should already work as expected with the existing state of things.
Let’s see @MackeyK24 comment about this.
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I get what your saying about BABYLON.Light.LIGHTMAP_SPECULAR
I guess what i am saying…i need the ambient (hemispheric) light to be SPECULAR on items with a lightmap and DEFAULT on items without a lightmap…
So i would have to use TWO ambient lights… One with Specular lightmap mode and other with Default lightmap mode…
I would also have to include/exclude meshes to each ambient light depending on if it is lightmapped
excludeWithLayerMask is a solution 
DefaultAmbientLight = new BABYLON.HemisphericLight("Ambient Lighting", new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 1, 0), this._loader.babylonScene)
DefaultAmbientLight.falloffType = BABYLON.Light.FALLOFF_STANDARD;
DefaultAmbientLight.lightmapMode = BABYLON.Light.LIGHTMAP_DEFAULT;
DefaultAmbientLight.excludeWithLayerMask = BABYLON.SceneManager.LightmapLayerMask;
Then the parser will check each mesh entity is lightmapped
if (mesh.hasLightmap) {
mesh.layerMask |= BABYLON.SceneManager.LightmapLayerMask
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Glad you found the setting you needed, but:
is what you get with lightmapMode = BABYLON.Light.LIGHTMAP_SPECULAR
(ground has no lightmap, sphere has lightmap - the lightmap is the texture you can see on the sphere):



Yo @Evgeni_Popov … Here is what i am going for… Unity —> BabylonJS … Full Lighting Exported…
Example scene with the cube is the the ONLY real time lit object. The directional light is blue and the ambient light is green
Everything else is baked lighting
- All the HDR (RGBD) Skybox textures
- All the HDR (RGBD) Lightmap textures
- All the Baked Lighting (Including Ambient Occlusion)
- All the Baked Shadows
- Everything
Note: the only difference between my fully baked Unity Scene and my Babylon Toolkit Scene is the final runtime shadow color contributions… In unity , they are still picking up the scene Ambient Light Color for the cube runtime shadow… But i can live with not having that shadow so light green… My Babylon Scene Looks Better Anyway 
And all the lightmaps are packed into a single 4K lightmap texture atlas (Exported as a jpeg just for smaller image to upload) with all the uv2 tex coords updated for the proper scale and offset within the texture atlas… Beautiful 
Thanks again @Evgeni_Popov
This looks REALLY good man! You rock
Hi MackeyK24
This looks great, I am wondering if you can help me I just posted a unity question.
My lightmaps that i bake in unity, and export my scene with the babylon exporter. The lightmap looks different, the colours are more green and doesnt look correct, but the lightmap texture looks fine. Just wondered if you have any suggestions unity or babylon side that we are missing.
Can you post details and screen shots so i can see what you are talking about ?
FYI: The current version of the exporter doesnt do lightmaps that great… I think that version has to do with the actual light and its lightmapMode… Depends on Realtime, Mixed Or fully baked light.
So if you baked with mixed light options… you need to set your direction light in th babylon scene to either LIGHTMAPMODE SPECULAR OR SHADOWONLY… Try that
Now i fixed all this stuff in the new GLTF version of the toolkit… But you will have to wait a bit until i get the new Babylon Toolkit Pro Edition Ready