skin get wrong when export skeleton animation from maya 2020 using babylon expoerter 20230922.2.
The fbx is as follow.
The skin is correct when in maya.
The babylon file is as follow.
Some skin like left leg and left hand get wrong when exported from from maya 2020 using babylon expoerter. Some skin like right leg and right hand is correct.
Thanks for the bug report @xiaopangoo , I will take a look at it.
Have any mothod to solve this problem? @srzerbetto
@xiaopangoo , I don’t there is a work around right now, I will try to work on it in the next couple of days.
Can you convert your model from fbx to gltf in blender and test again? Does it work then?
Also note:
The Babylon.js Exporters are no longer in active development. While the tools will continue to work for existing versions of Maya & Max (2022), we cannot guarantee that they will continue to work for future versions. If you are interested in helping us maintain these tools for future versions of Maya & Max, we’d GLADLY welcome the help, please contact us on the Babylon.js Forum
I tried convert my model from fbx to gltf in blender.
The skin and skeleton animation is ok.
But I want to get .babylon file. How can I get correct .babylon file? @Baktrian
If you drag the gltf into the sandbox you should be able to use the inspector to save it as .BABYLON file last i remember
Thank you very mush. In this way, I can get the correct .babylon file.
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