Softlight on mobile - working from Playground but not from website

I’ve made a very simple test with spotlight soft shadow
This demo is perfectly working on mobile (tetestd with Android + Chrome, still not tested on iPhone), and obviously on desktop

I’ve created the very same code in my app (webpack), and I’ve uploaded the dist folder.
The demo is perfectly working on desktop, but on mobile (Android + Chrome) the shadow and the plane that receive the shadow disappear.

Unfortunately actually I can’t use the devtools on mobile to check for errors.

Do you have an idea of what’s going on?
Many thanks!

Did you change anything as of now? Both the playground and the demo are working fine on my Android:

Your bundled code is using 4.2.0 where it should also be relying on our 5.0.0-alpha.60 like the playground ?

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Thanks for your reply!

sebavan: YES, I’m using 4.2.0 npm version (I think that actually it’s the official release).
Please could you give me the npm for the 5.a release, just to check?

carolhmj: NOT, I didn’t change anything… so strange… which version on Android are u running?

It is all online under our preview release @babylonjs/core - npm

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This is what I actually see on my mobile (Samsung Galaxy S8 - Android 9 - Chrome - Babylon 4.2)

Just tried with version 5, and it’s working!