I present mi hi-fi game in development
Looks cool!
keep updating us
Super cool! The small ships’ movement is very nice.
Looks really awesome, cannot wait to try it !!!
In few moths
Update :
Many ships in scene, asteroids added and bullets.
the turbines fire is sync with the speed of ship
Last update, menu (with programmer design), multiscene and turrets / enemies test.
Last progress:
Colliders for asteroids, done, camera gameplay zoom-in and zoom-out, different mode control for gameplay implemented (keyboard-mouse and gamepad)
Last update, dinamically change canon, bullets style and muzzle.
Rockets added
Missile path working
Missile working:
I am loving your video updates. Keep them coming
Last update, turrets soud improved, enemies improved, explsions sounds changed, gui improved.
Enemies arrivals:
I present the web page of game: