First, just pushed version 6.2.0. It has a fix for meshes with armatures. No effect here, but could create a .babylon file with nan
values or possibly an ACCESS EXCEPTION
that crashes Blender.
From the log file, my preferred attachment, there is an armature, named ‘Armature’, with one bone, and one action, named ‘ArmatureAction’. What I do not see is a section right after that like:
Skeleton stats:
Total Influencers: 13694
Avg # of influencers per vertex: 3.156
Highest # of influencers observed: 6, num vertices with this: 59
exported as 6 influencers
num skeletonWeights and skeletonIndices: 34712
If you go to the Modifiers
properties tab (the wrench icon) with the mesh selected, you are probably going to see no armature modifier on the mesh. Add it.
The downstream problem you are going to have in your code if you have more than one action, e.g. ‘run, walk, sit’, is you need to tell which action you want to execute this way.
skele[0].beginAnimation("sit", false); // true, when you wish to loop
You might also check Only currently Assigned Actions
from World properties, if the scene has multiple actions, but you do not care about the others.
One last note, is armature animation cannot be run in the sandbox. You can do this with glTF exports, but do not think you get named, distinct animations. Even if you did, not sure sandbox would let you tell which one. Sandbox is not a deployable environment for 99% of people anyway.